Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What a joke

So I have to be careful what I write now because of this whole thing with custoday and what not, like this is like my journal but no can't be as specific so here fine I will try not to be.

OK so I totally get a text message saying that I am verbally abusive towards my daughter's father, come again? Right me? I forgot its always me he NEVER does anything. And actually the ironic part about this is the day they are talking about ha, was not even my fault. I was out for 45 min just 45 min when I get a call and I was a bit mad and snappy yes. But than he starting yelling at me and it turned into a yelling match so anyways basically I hung up and he called me back every like 30 secs not joke and finally i just kinda chewed him out and when i got to his house to pick up Bella he wanted to talk and i kept saying no no alyssa is here and in the car when Bella was there he was trying to do it again but i said no. but no his mother thinks it was just me bitching at him but it wasnt thats a lie! she god doesnt know that pisses me off to no end and now im just mad and a lawyer is gonna cost like 800 and i dont have that type of money but i have to do it.......

god i am so mad about this whole thing!!!!!


Blogger BrunetteBookworm said...

i think you are handling this situation perfectly... i mean you haven't been really given many options, but you are absolutely doing the right thing.
That little girl loves you and that is what matters, that you have her. you don't really need anyone else =] (cept maybe me, lol)

July 7, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

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